
The mission of the Indiana Coalition for Prevention and Treatment (ICPT) is to enhance and engage the social, educational, financial, and political resources of grassroots family and community groups and organizations across Indiana to effectively advocate for health-centered approaches to law, policy, and programming in the prevention and treatment of mental illness, substance use disorders and misuse, trauma, and related issues of concern that provide barriers to recovery for individuals, families, and communities.

Our Core Principles

Our individual and community viewpoints on policies related to substance use and abuse may differ, but we are united in our belief in the equal worth and dignity of all human beings. Therefore we stand against all public policies that disregard or devalue the lives or human potential of persons who engage in illegal, irresponsible, or unhealthy use of alcohol, prescription medicine, or illicit drugs.

While we intend to facilitate collaboration and mutual support among our members, we honor the autonomy of our member groups, agencies, organizations, and faith communities and we celebrate each partner’s unique contribution to our greater mission.

We are united in our belief that substance use disorders are treatable conditions, however we do not favor one theory of treatment over another.

This coalition is neither affiliated with endorses any political party or partisan organization. Participation by any coalition partner in any effort by the coalition or its individual partners related to public policy or advocacy is entirely voluntary. All proposals to provide coalition resources or support for an initiative or program will be reviewed by the ICPT Board, and every effort will be made to reach consensus among our partners.